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  Thursday, Jan 2, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
SoF2 Patch v1.03
- Posted 10:21 PM By Kagato
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The folks at Raven Software have released a new patch v1.03 Gold for Soldier of Fortune 2 which includes new maps, artwork, and bug fixes. There's two versions of the patch, one for those upgrading from a clean install (i.e. no patches applied) or those running 1.02. Activision also sends word that server admins don't need new dedicated server binaries for this patch. For a listing of all things new, click on the "Read More..." link below. Mirrors include:

Full Patch

Lite Patch (Upgrade from 1.02)
Wired's 2002 Top Ten Vaporware
- Posted 10:29 PM By Kagato
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Well, as we ring in the new year, what better thing to do than head on over and read Wired's annual top ten vaporware listing. Frighteningly enough, alot of the entires on this years list are, including titles such as Shadowbane, Team Fortress 2, Master of Orion 3, and of course Duke Nukem Forever (Are they even going to bother releasing this?!).
Valve's Team Fortress 2 is a team-based, online action game from the creators of Half-Life that also made last year's vaporware list. It will be released "shortly," Valve promises.

"This game has been talked about since 1999 or even earlier," wrote reader Chris Mendoza. "And we are about to go into 2003 and still no TF2. The homepage for the game even has a quote from 1999. They haven't even got the decency to remove it!"
There's some real stinkers on there, hard to believe that with such massive delays that some of the companies are even in business.
Source: Wired
  Monday, Jan 6, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
Registration Update
- Posted 11:18 AM By Squirre1
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Registration should be openning shortly and we just wanted to let you know about a new feature and some changes... Once you have registered, if you pre-pay you will have the option to select your seat. Once you have completed your registration, return to the registration area to go through the pre-pay processes. Once we have received and confirmed your pre-payment, you will then have a option in the registration area to select your seat.

Also, note the change in registration fees. No worries, we did not jack up the price. If you Pre-Pay, regsitration is only $20.00. If you do not Pre-Pay, it is $25.00 at the door, regardless if you have registered or not.

Thank You,
The MwGL Team
  Tuesday, Jan 7, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
Raven Shield Demo v1.1 Released
- Posted 7:47 PM By Kagato
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Fans of the ever-popular Rainbow Six series of video games, and even those who've thought about checking it out, should be sure to head over and grab the newly updated Raven Shield (Rainbow Six 3) Demo. For those that've already downloaded the demo, rather than downloading the new 200MB install, you simply need download the 70MB patch. Mirrors include :

3D Gamers :
Full Demo v1.1
Upgrade 1.0 to 1.1

FileFront :
Full Demo v1.1
Upgrade 1.0 to 1.1

Gamershell :
Full Demo v1.1
Upgrade 1.0 to 1.1

Click on the "Read More..." link below for a full list of changes/updates.
Nintendo Announces New Game Boy Advance SP
- Posted 8:17 PM By Kagato
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As has been rumored for awhile now, Nintendo made their formal announcement today unveiling their new Game Boy Advance SP portable gaming system. The biggest improvement with the new SP model is the introduction of a new Front Light Screen which should make the screen viewable in any lighting condition. Those of you who own the current model, know how much of an improvement this will be.
Technical specifications for the SP:

  • New pocket size and foldable with flip-top screen that enables an even more compact size
  • Dimension are 82mm Wx 84.6H x 24.3D and it weighs approximately 143g
  • New integrated self-contained LCD screen light
  • New built in rechargeable Lithium Ion battery that enables approximately 10 hours of continual game play with approximately 3 hours of recharging time
  • When the front light is turned off, the continual play increases to approximately 18 hours.
  • Three premium metallic colour variants (silver, black and blue)
  • Up to 32,000 simultaneous colours
  • Display Size 40.8mm x 61.2mm
  • Resolution 240 x 160 dot
  • 32 - bit CPU with embedded memory
  • Multiplayer mode for up to 4 players with Game Link cable
  • Compatible with virtually all existing Game Boy & Game Boy Advance games
  • Folks in Japan get an early jump on this new toy starting February 14th, while the rest of us in the U.S. have to wait until the March 23rd launch date. Pricing is expected to be roughly $99 on the new unit. While the links last, you can catch some high res pics of the front view, trigger buttons and ports, and control pad area.
      Wednesday, Jan 8, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    UT2003 Dedicated Servers (Win32/Linux) v2166b
    - Posted 7:34 PM By Kagato
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    The folks at Epic Megagames have released updated installs for those wanting to run a standalone Unreal Tournament 2003 server. The new installs coincide with their recently released 2166b patch. You can find the downloads in both Win32 (247MB) and Linux (231MB)flavors. In order to run either server though, you will need a server-only CD Key which you can obtain for free.
      Monday, Jan 13, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Nvidia Planning To Make All GeForce FX Cards
    - Posted 5:34 PM By Kagato
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    This story has been floating around a few of the news sites today. In case you've missed it, Nvidia is deciding to produce ALL the new GeForce FX cards themselves and then ship them off to the manufacturers for modifications and packaging.
    Requiring a twelve-layer PCB due to the complexity of its higher frequency design, Nvidia’s top-end GeForce FX card is expected to hit the market after the Chinese New Year in late February. Instead of allowing graphics card manufacturers to design and produce their own products, Nvidia is said to have decided to place orders at certain EMS (electronics manufacturing service) companies itself and then sell the finished products to card makers to better control the quality.
    I can see it from their side about wanting to control quality, I mean nobody wants their name smeared because some 3rd party vendor did a horrid job, shipped a bad product, and then Nvidia takes the hell because users blame their chip instead of the vendor. At the same time, you're stuck with whatever Nvidia decides to do with the board rather than getting a choice based on what some of the other manufacturers decide to do (red PCB, video out, etc.). NOt to mention, it'll mean less competitive pricing for the end users.
    Source: DigiTimes
      Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Unreal 2 Goes Gold
    - Posted 4:36 PM By Kagato
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    While I haven't seen an official announcement yet, the word from the folks at Voodoo Extreme is that Legend Entertainment and Epic Games have announced that Unreal 2 has gone gold. You can expect this to start showing up on the store shelves sometimes in the first week of February.

    **UPDATED**Just found word of the official announcement over at the Infogrames forums.
    DOA Xtreme Volleyball Takes First Hit
    - Posted 6:30 PM By WaRMaN
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    The release date of "Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball" is quickly approaching (21 Jan 03), and it has already suffered a blow that will greatly affect it's sales and most likely how it is publicized for advertisement. The Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) handed the TECMO title an "M" rating (Mature).

    John Inada, Director of Marketing and Sales for Tecmo said, "Based on the level of sexuality we perceived in the game, we were a bit surprised to hear the ESRB's decision to give DOAX an "M" rating. However, we've always trusted and respected the ESRB in the past and have decided not to appeal their decision."

    To make things worse the ESRB also added a "Nudity" descriptor to the game. "While there isn't rampant nudity in the game, there are certain elements that caused the ESRB to give it the Nudity descriptor," Inada added. "As with all other games in the Dead or Alive franchise, we believe the stunning visuals, explosive action and classic arcade gameplay will bring Dead of Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball to an even wider audience of admirers."

      Wednesday, Jan 15, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    EverQuest : The Legacy of Ykesha
    - Posted 8:38 PM By Kagato
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    I imagine the diehard EverCrack freaks such as myself have probably already heard about todays announcement for EverQuest : The Legend of Ykesha, the next upcoming expansion for SOE/Verant's cashcow. So what's the point in shelling out the cash for this new expansion? Well, they're introducing the froglok class to all players *froak*. Another interesting thing about this expansion is that it will not be available in stores, it is to be a download only expansion. In a sign that they're actually putting thought into some of these things, rather than having everybody and their grandchildren download the patches (which are going to be around 120MB) on launch day, you'll be able to download alot of them beforehand, hence less stress on 'ye old patch server, yay!
    Desert Combat 0.2 Released
    - Posted 8:46 PM By Kagato
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    Looking for a really cool total mod conversion for Battlefield 1942? Then you outta head over and give Desert Combat a shot. Today includes the release of version 0.2, which is still in alpha testing so expect a few hickups along the way. What exactly is Desert Combat you say? In a word:
    Desert Combat is a modern day military modification to the popular war game BattleField1942 from EA. It is focused on conflicts in the middle-east within the last decade between the various nations, From Desert Storm to Somalia. This war game is a total conversion for Battlefield1942 and is based on the same principles of a FPS and arcade style vehicle sim. It will be focused around multiplayer online gameplay and is expected to be free to the public.
    Pretty cool mod, especially since if you pick to play as the US, you get cool toys like the M1A1 Abrahms tank, A-10 Warthog, and AH-64 Attack helicopter.
    Counter-Strike 1.6 Impressions
    - Posted 8:52 PM By Kagato
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    While I imagine quite a few of you are patiently waiting tomorrow's (fingers crossed) release of theCounter-Strike 1.6 patch, the folks over at HomeLAN have posted some of their impressions from the 1.6 beta that they've had the pleasure to test. Word:
    For players, the biggest changes in CS 1.6 will be with items that were originally scheduled for their debuts in Condition Zero. Two new rifles will be added in the game, the FAMAS for the counter-terrorist good guys and the Galil for the bad guys terrorists. Both rifles are the cheapest that players will be able to buy in the new version of the mod which should make for some interesting team weapon layouts. By far the most interesting item is the tactical shield for the counter-terrorists. This item is almost purely for defensive as the player holding it can only use a pistol as its offensive weapon and cannot use the pistol when the shield is in full use. However, we found the shield to be very effective in stopping fire and the fact that both the player using it and players who hide behind it are heavily protected from the enemy should make Counter-Strike matches have a new dimension to them.
    I can only wait to see how long it takes before some cheating bastard comes out with a hack that'll allow you to shoot while still having the shield up, heh.
    Source: HomeLAN
      Thursday, Jan 16, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Steam Beta Out Of Bandwidth
    - Posted 9:41 PM By Kagato
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    Apparently everybody and their relatives got in on the Steam Beta 2.0 today to try and download Counter-Strike v1.6 as Valve has temporarily suspended any new admission to the beta as their bandwidth has basically been maxed at this point. Word:
    Steam Beta 2.0 Admission Suspended

    The Counter-Strike and Team Fortress communities have maxed out the Steam 2.0 beta servers, resulting in the temporarily suspension of admission to the beta as more content servers are put online. The current Steam content servers offer over 500 megabits of bandwidth, all of which the community is consuming right now.

    Anyone interested in hosting a Steam content server should email biz@steampowered.com. (Content server requirements can be found at www.steampowered.com.)
    They apparently blame this outtage on the fact that "some members of the gaming press leaking copies of Steam". Yeah, as if it wouldn't have spread like wildfire anyhow by word from other hardcore gamers on the net.
    New Castlevania Announced
    - Posted 9:49 PM By Kagato
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    Apparently the folks at Konami are going to release a new Castlevania game, Aria of Sorrow for the Gameboy Advance system. Word:
    "Aria of SorrowTM adds so many amazing new features to the Castlevania® series that this iteration is radically different from previous titles," says Jason Enos, Product Manager at Konami of America, Inc. "This is the first Castlevania® set in the near future, the first Castlevania® where the hero is not tied to the infamous Belmont clan of vampire hunters, and the first Castlevania® to let you acquire the souls of enemies and use their abilities as weapons. Castlevania® will never be the same!"
    Now if they'd only get a console (i.e. PS2, Xbox of Gamecube) version produced. Castlevania and Contra have to be my two most favorite old-time classic games. Look for this to be out sometime May 2003.
    Source: PlanetGameCube
      Friday, Jan 17, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    WarCraft Goes Pen & Paper
    - Posted 9:37 PM By Kagato
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    Looks as if Blizzard's popular WarCraft series is going to be available as a pen and paper RPG thanks to the deal that they've signed with Swords&Sorcery Studios. Current timeline shows they are shooting for a summer 2003 release. Long live the days of good 'ol D&D!
    Q3A Urban Terror 2.6a
    - Posted 9:44 PM By Kagato
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    If you've never played the Urban Terror mod for Q3A, it can be summed up like this : Counter Strike on the Quake 3 engine. There's a new 2.6a Beta availabe to download that is not only an "weapons patch," but also addresses some issues, and adds a new map. Apparently they didn't get everything done that they wanted to in this release, but they do note that "the changes included in this update should give all gamers in the Urban Terror Community something to smile about and bring back that old school feeling of gaming."
      Sunday, Jan 19, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Consoles: Keyboard and mouse or not?
    - Posted 11:44 AM By WaRMaN
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    With the release of first person titles like Unreal Championship 2003, Ghost Recon, Halo, and the near-future releases of Counter-Strike, Return to Castle Wolfenstien and many more for the console, I have a question to ask you all.

    Should consoles release a keyboard and mouse to boost competitiveness, or should they be left alone to hold true to the console gamepads?
    Post your opinion in our forums!

      Monday, Jan 20, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    GameShark Goes Belly Up
    - Posted 8:27 PM By Kagato
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    Somehow I managed to miss this tidbit over the weekend, but the folks at GameShark (you know, allows you to cheat on various consoles, etc) have gone belly up (no puns please). Here's the suckage:
    Interact has just announce as of 01-14-03 that they will be going out of business. We are sorry to report that this item will not be available to those who have not ordered as of January 10th. We are currently working with Intereact to arrange for preordered products to ship before removing Interact products from our site. Please email Guest Service if you have any questions.
    What sucks most is that their homepage is dead as well which means no access to the existing cheat code database. This doesn't mean all is lost though, as the folks at Datel are apparently taking up the slack and are going to continue to support existing Gameshark owners. Yay!
      Tuesday, Jan 21, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    WarCraft 3 : The Frozen Throne Expansion Announced
    - Posted 7:06 PM By Kagato
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    It's been rumored for awhile, and now it appears that Blizzard will be launching a WarCraft 3 expansion titled The Frozen Throne. Word:
    Following in the tradition of previous Blizzard expansion sets, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne provides gamers with a vast new chapter in the epic Warcraft saga. In the single-player campaign, players revisit the war-torn world of Azeroth. Several months have passed since Archimonde and the Burning Legion were defeated at the battle of Mount Hyjal, yet a new threat has arisen throughout the land. The evil Lich King Ner'zhul has been imprisoned inside the Icecrown glacier, deep within the arctic continent of Northrend. Although the former Orc Shaman lacks physical form, his soul lives on, forever seeking a means to escape his icy prison. As the saga continues, it is revealed that both the Night Elf renegade, llidan, and the traitorous Death Knight, Arthas, seek he Icecrown glacier and the mysterious powers found inside. While it is uncertain as to what is being sought inside the icy tomb, players must traverse uncharted lands and battle treacherous new enemies to uncover the schemes of these nefarious beings, and save all of Azeroth from the forces of darkness.
    While there appears to be no official word posted on Blizzard's Homepage, there is a new graphic there depicting a frozen column/throne looking object with the words "The winds of the north whisper...that a new KING shall arise...". The new expansion is currently slated for Summer 2003 release and expected to run approximately $35.

    **UPDATE** Looks as if it's gone live on the WarCraft 3 homepage as well as the official press release.
    F-Zero GC Unveiled
    - Posted 7:26 PM By Kagato
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    Whenever I hear somebody mention Super Nintendo, one of the first games to my mind is F-Zero. Even with all the graphics and gameplay of today's raging sim, I still have to pick F-Zero as one of my favorites. Well, if you're like me then you'll be happy to know that Nintendo has officially unveiled F-Zero GC at the World Hobby Fair in Osaka, Japan. Gaming Cubed has 14 images from the event which include F-Zero GC, Dr. Mario, a couple of different Sonic titles and a few other odd games. No word on any release dates, especially for those of us here in the US, but it's something to look forward too =P.
      Wednesday, Jan 22, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Raven Shield 1.2 Patch Released
    - Posted 5:54 PM By Kagato
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    True to their work, there's a new patch out for those running the Raven Shield v1.2 demo. Weighing in at a measly 288k, this patch mainly just updates several hacks/exploits that some loosers have found in the game. Word:
    Version 1.2 Fixes
    - Fixed high capacity magazine cheat
    - Fixed thermal scope cheat
    - Added more error messages for unsupported video card features
    You can also find mirrors at 3DGamers and FilePlanet.
    BF1942 1.3 Patch Coming Soon
    - Posted 6:03 PM By Kagato
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    There's news on the Battlefield 1942 homepage EA and DICE are working hard on the 1.3 patch, apparently wanting to get it out before the new expansion (Road to Rome). Word:
    Everyone on the Battlefield team at DICE and EA has been working late nights on another surprise for the community. We’d like to take this time to announce the Battlefield 1942 1.3 patch – it’s coming soon, maybe even sooner than you think! Look for more details about the patch soon, for now here’s a sneak peek:

    Implemented TK solution: On the server-side you can implement various TK-solutions such as a Spawn Delay penalty (puts them into spawn limbo) or the simple Kick/Ban. On the client-side you'll be able to Forgive or Punish TK depending on how the server is set up.
    Client performance optimization
    Map-loading optimized
    Improved interface for in-game voting

    In addition, the 1.3 patch will allow Road to Rome users to play on original BF1942 servers. You will still need to own RtR in order to play on the new maps included in the expansion pack.
    So perhaps we could be seeing the patch within a week or two? That would be very welcomed by players I imagine, especially with the new vote kicking and TK punishment, about time we can control those gutless TK'ers =P.
      Thursday, Jan 23, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Mad Catz Acquires GameShark
    - Posted 6:39 PM By Kagato
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    Looks like there's even greater news today for owners of products from the recently demised GameShark. Apparently Mad Catz Interactive has signed a deal to acquite the GameShark brand and website for a cool $5 million bucks. Word:
    GameShark is the industry leader in video game enhancement software, which enables players to take full advantage of the secret codes, short cuts, hints and cheats incorporated by video game publishers into their game offerings. In the twelve month period ended December 31, 2002, GameShark generated revenues in excess of $30 million.

    Mad Catz anticipates shipping GameShark products powered by an extensive range of software cheats and hints in March, ensuring continuity of supply at retail locations. The Company has also assumed the management of the highly popular GameShark web site, one of the highest traffic gaming sites on the Internet.
    It's great to see such interest from other company's and I hope it proves to be a fruitfull endeavor for them. Now us console cheaters can rejoice in knowing the product will live on!
    Source: BusinessWire
    Nintendo Plans To Stay In The Console Market
    - Posted 6:49 PM By Kagato
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    Nintendo may not command quite the household name as it used to be, what with competitors like Sony and Microsoft eating up the market, but you have to admit, they do make some damn fine games. I imagine some have speculated that the GameCube would be Nintendo's last foray into the console word, not so according to this article over at cube.ign.com. Apparently they're looking at a 2005 timeframe for their next console release, which happens to coincide with Sony's plans for a PS3 release. The best quote has to be from Satoru Iwata (President - Nintendo of Japan) who chimes in with "When we withdraw from the home game console, that's when we withdraw from the video game business." Long live Mario, Luigi, Link and all the Nintendo classics!
    Source: Cube.Ign
      Friday, Jan 24, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    MoO 3 Golden
    - Posted 6:24 PM By Kagato
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    Fans everywhere can sigh a bit of relief as after years of waiting, Masters of Orion 3 has finally gone gold as is noted on the Official MoO 3 homepage. No word on when you can expect to find it on store shelves, but rest assured that it'll probably go quick with as long as folks have had to wait for the title. Diehard fans are probably happy that Wired's Vaporware prediction didn't come true (" Chances are we'll be talking about MOO3 in the same way we talk about Duke Nukem Whenever").
    DDR Prices Are Falling
    - Posted 6:28 PM By Kagato
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    I personally haven't done any checking with local vendors, but according to this report over at The Inquirer, memory prices are crashing over in China due to the new year, taxing, and more. Word:
    DOUBLE DATA RATE (DDR) prices are crashing through the floor today amidst claims that some of the big memory manufacturers, the Dramurai, are dumping stock like there's no tomorrow.

    For example, 256MB DDR modules are costing as little as $36 and that's causing a number of brokers and memory dealers to clear up their stock, big time.

    The Chinese New Year appears to be one reason for the swift decline in prices, but there's also a move by one or two manufacturers to empty their warehouses of DRAM, for tax and accounting reasons.

    In fact, DDR 32MX8 chips are at a 52 week low – so there's not many reasons to be cheerful if you're a Dramurai in 2003.
    Keep your eyes open, now may be the time to add that extra bit of memory you've been saving up for.
    Source: The Inquirer
    CS Fusion Pack v10
    - Posted 6:35 PM By Kagato
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    Not sure how many folks out in Counter-Strike land actually play with this, but for those that do, the folks at Games Fusion have released their newest version of their Fusion Pack, bring it up to version 10. What exactly is Fusion Pack you say? In a word:
    The Fusion Pack is the most downloaded and widely used replacement pack for Counter-Strike there has ever been. Its popularity and high recommendations make it the clear choice for users wanting to change their Counter-Strike experience. Fusion Pack will replace almost every aspect of the Counter-Strike game including weapon models, player models, sounds, sprites, 2D graphics and more! Additionally the Fusion Pack will include optional enhancements such as new single player and multiplayer maps with PODBot support.
    You can nab your copy here.
      Saturday, Jan 25, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Capcom Vs SNK 2 E.O. for XBOX
    - Posted 12:00 AM By WaRMaN
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    OK, it obvious that I went out and bought an XBOX. To be honest I am very happy with my XBOX. And now to be rewarded for my purchase, CAPCOM is releasing Capcom Vs SNK 2 E.O for the XBOX on 11 February, 2003! This title is already available for PS2 and Gamecube, but the XBOX port will also include XBOX Live! I have read different articles on the net code of the fighting title, and its a 50-50 split. I will be purchasing this game and taking my chances on its on-line performance. Also available in February is Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (the XBOX Live! version).

    Features include:

  • Arcade Mode - A duplicate port of the arcade game.
  • Training Mode - Learn your moves and practice your combos.
  • Survival Mode - Go as long as you can on one health bar.
  • VS Mode - Go head-to-head with a friend one television.
  • Color Edit Mode - Edit any character's color, clothes and skin.
  • Network Mode - XBOX Live!
  •   Monday, Jan 27, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Star Wars: Galaxies Planets
    - Posted 12:29 PM By Anthos
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    Sony Online Entertainment has updated their feature page with new information on the nine planets that will be available upon release of the game. While there will only be three starting planets (Tatooine, Naboo, and Corellia), you will be able to travel via spaceport to the other six.
    Splinter Cell Delayed
    - Posted 12:35 PM By Anthos
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    Thought I would post this for those that missed the information. Splinter Cell, while already released on the Xbox, has been delayed to February 19th for the PC version. If you haven't tried it yet, go get the 90MB Demo version of the game. It will be well worth your time.
      Tuesday, Jan 28, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Age Of Mythology 1.03
    - Posted 9:05 PM By Kagato
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    There's a new patch available via the in-game multiplayer interface for players of Ensemble Studios's Age of Mythology. While they mostly note the 1.03 patch fixes a game exploit, balance concerns and an ESO issue,there is a HUGE list of changes. To see all things new, head on over to their News page or click on the "Read More..." link below. Get patched and get your Zeus on.
    C&C Renegade Patch
    - Posted 9:11 PM By Kagato
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    The folks over at Gamershell have posted a new Command & Conquer Renegade patch, bringing you up to version 1.037. No word/listing yet on what all has been fixed or added, but the new version also includes an updated dedicated server as well. Will upudate as news of what's been fixed becomes available.
      Wednesday, Jan 29, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    MwGL LAN Event Updates
    - Posted 11:01 AM By Squirre1
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    Well the time is drawing near for the next event... We have added some done some updates to the registration that you may want to be aware of...
  • A new Disclaimer, that must be printed and signed, is available in the LAN Registration Area. If you are under the age of 18, it must also be signed by a guardian as well. We will have copies available at the event for individuals 18 and over to sign. You will not be allowed into the event unless we have your signed release.

  • The ability to pre-pay will be disabled at noon on the Wednesday just prior to the event. This will allow us the necessary time to obtain the funds from PayPal for use at the event. Remember, if you do not pre-pay for the event, the cost is $25.

  • Event Registration will close at 6pm on the Friday before the event. This will allow us to better prepare for our attendees to make the event as good as possible.

  • *NOTE* We also would like to clarify that the QuakeIII Tournament is not a MwGL sanctioned tournament, it will be ran by Porky and we will only be assisting with providing the servers and allowing people to select the Q3 Tourney option in registration.

  • A network configuration document will be provided at the event for your ease of setup. This will include local patch server information, internet settings, and how to configure your network configuration.
  • We want to try to make this is easy as possible on our attendees. If you have any further questions, please send a email to WebMaster@mwgl.org or post a question in the Forums.

    Thank You,
    The MwGL Staff
    Counter Strike Tournament Rules
    - Posted 1:01 PM By Anthos
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    The Counter Strike Tournament Rules have been revised and updated. Please go here and review them, prior to the event. Any person or team in violation of the rules will be treated equally, regardless of prior knowledge of these rules. For any questions regarding these rules, you may email me, or post here.
      Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    GTA causes GTA?
    - Posted 3:48 PM By WaRMaN
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    The local Panama City Florida's newspaper boasts a picture of a copy of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the Playstation 2, with the background filled with more stolen loot and the Panama City Sheriff.

    Apparently, 2 youths (dont go "My Cousin Vinny" on me) went on a thieving rampage that covered 30 vehicles. They stole everything they could get their hands on, to include credit cards, which they used to purchase GTA:VC from a local store. The news states that the game caused these troubled youths to resort to crime. One thing that troubled me, was the fact that the newspaper stated that the youths purchased the game with stolen credit cards. This, to me, sounds like they were doin' the stealin' before they got the game.

    What do you think? Even if this game did lead to their acts, thats 2 outta how many? Personally, i am sick of hearing that video games cause direct influence in younger peoples actions. I think the parents need to take a bigger responsibility in this situation. Parental non-involvement is truely the lead to youth demise. I just rented DOA:Extreme Beach Volleyball, and you will not see me on the beach tomorrow in a 2 piece playing in the sand. No mental pictures were intended :P

      Friday, Jan 31, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    UT2K3 Tournament Rules
    - Posted 11:00 AM By Anthos
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    You can now find a copy of the rules for the UT2K3 Tournament in our forums. Any questions or comments (productive, please), may be addressed in this thread, as well.
    Unreal 2
    - Posted 11:08 AM By Anthos
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    Good news for all you Unreal fans out there. Unreal 2 has shown up on retail radars and will be in stores soon (Supposedly by February 4th). Here's a short little explanation from Planet Unreal:
    Unreal 2 (A.K.A. Unreal: Episode 2, Unreal 2: The Awakening) is the single-player only sequel to the original Unreal. It’s being developed by Legend Entertainment, who made Wheel of Time and the Unreal: Return to Na Pali Mission Pack.

    While Unreal 2 takes place in the same universe as the original Unreal, the settings, characters, and creatures are different. In fact, the only significant returning baddie is the Skaarj. No Nali healing fruit this time around, sorry!

    For more information, check out GameSpy's Preview or gawk at some of the (recently updated) screenshots.

    Wait a second! Did you say single-player only?!?

    Yes, Legend has dropped the multiplayer aspect of Unreal 2 in order to concentrate on delivering the best story-driven, solo gaming experience. If multiplayer is your big thing, you need to be playing UT 2003.

    And while Unreal 2 won't ship with multiplayer support, that doesn't necessarily mean someone won't find some way to add it back in. Who knows? Maybe they're saving something for the mission pack?
    Previews look good. Game looks good. Story??? Maybe another Half-Life in the making? We'll see.

    If you're lucky, maybe you'll be able to catch my thoughts on the game, once it hits store shelves. Perhaps I'll even comment on some thoughts from GameSpy's review.
    Star Wars: Galaxies FAQ Update (JEDI)
    - Posted 1:42 PM By Anthos
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    Okay, so those that are interested in SWG (me being one of them), can now take a look at the newest FAQ update for the game, which answers the questions, "How do Jedi work?" and "How are you going to keep Jedi rare?".

    As Kevin O'Hara,Community Relations Manager, puts it:
    Brace yourself. In today’s double FAQ you are going to get more information about Jedi than we have revealed in over a year. This information is not for the faint of heart because it gives some concrete details on why Jedi will likely be rare in our game. Our two main goals when it came to putting Jedi in the game was to maintain the spirit of the continuity of the time period and to offer a fun and challenging role for those who sought it. These tenets are in conflict with each other. Our solution was to devise a system that would allow any player the opportunity to work towards this particular goal but at the same time make it challenging enough that only those who are serious about playing the character type would succeed. Jedi are potentially more powerful than other character types and with that extra power comes extra risk.

    There is still a bunch of stuff we are not telling you about Jedi and force sensitivity because we want to keep an air of mystery around them. However, we felt the following information was imperative for you to know before you decide to pursue this challenging path.
    All in all, this is looking to shape up to be one killer game. For those of you who like a challenge, consider the gauntlet thrown down :).
    Digital Extremes Bonus Pack for UT2003
    - Posted 7:21 PM By Anthos
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    News from one of our forum registrants:
    Digital Extremes Bonus Pack for UT2003 Released today at 2 pm EST thats 1 pm for all those that cant convert to CST . lol

    Sizing in at around 195 Megs, the DE Bonus Pack includes 6 all new maps - 3 deathmatch, 2 CTF and 1 Bombing Run
    and The Bonus Pack will be available in two forms - umod form and a zip file that extracts the map/textures/static meshs to the correct spots for people who don't have the latest patch (v. 2166) or who are running dedicated servers only. (umods sadly don't work without the latest patch or with server only versions.
    Thanks, ThEChRoNiC!
    Source: ThEChRoNiC


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