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Matrox Parhelia Reef Demo – The Best DirectX 8 Benchmark Ever?
Dungeon Siege Tweaking Guide
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Dungeon Siege Tweaking Guide(Cont.)
- Submited Thursday, June 6th, 2002 at 8:40 AM By tmmicklabs    
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For the next test I took out the ATI Radeon 8500 and put a 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 in its place.

Here are the Specs of the Test PC again.

Athlon XP 1600+
Epox 8KHA+ Motherboard with KT266a core logic chipet with Via 4in 1 driver version 4.38
256mb PC-2100 DDR-Ram
3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 64mb running the lastest drivers from 3dfx underground...ver 1.09 beta 2
Sound Blaster Live
Windows XP Pro

Here are the game settings I ran the benchmark at.

1024/768 32bit color
Object Detail at Max Setting
Trilinear Filtering enabled
Shadows set to "all complex".

Here are the results.

FPS Summary

Total Sample Time : 193.80 s (3350 frames)
Min Frame Delta : 5.94 ms (168.47 fps)
Max Frame Delta : 166.67 ms (6.00 fps)
Average Frame Delta: 57.85 ms (17.29 fps)

Next Step, disable EAX. Oh my Heck. Only a 2 frame per second increase. This makes no sense. Disabling EAX on the Radeon 8500 gave me an 11 frame per second increase. Something fishy is going on here.

Total Sample Time : 193.21 s (3716 frames)
Min Frame Delta : 5.64 ms (177.36 fps)
Max Frame Delta : 166.67 ms (6.00 fps)
Average Frame Delta: 51.99 ms (19.23 fps)

Step 3, set shadows from "all complex" to "none". Cool, a 7 frame per second increase. Now we are getting somewhere.

FPS Summary

Total Sample Time : 192.79 s (5040 frames)
Min Frame Delta : 6.00 ms (166.55 fps)
Max Frame Delta : 166.67 ms (6.00 fps)
Average Frame Delta: 38.25 ms (26.14 fps)

Step 4, change filtering method from "trillinear" to "billinear". Yeah baby, another 3 frames per second. Getting us Ohhh so much closer to the magical mark of smoothness.

Total Sample Time : 192.96 s (5709 frames)
Min Frame Delta : 5.58 ms (179.06 fps)
Max Frame Delta : 166.67 ms (6.00 fps)
Average Frame Delta: 33.80 ms (29.59 fps)

Step 5, change the rendering bit depth from 32-bit to 16-bit. Something magical is happening. OH MY HECK !!! An increase of 10 frames per second. This is huge. Dungeon Siege is smooth like butta now. The image quality is still good. If you look close you can notice that the fire from the dragon does not look as good as it did with 32-bit rendering though. I can deal with it though.

Total Sample Time : 192.77 s (7583 frames)
Min Frame Delta : 6.00 ms (166.76 fps)
Max Frame Delta : 161.05 ms (6.21 fps)
Average Frame Delta: 25.42 ms (39.34 fps)

So there you have it boys and girls. A 129 % increase in performance. This is huge. This game is now playable on the good ol' Voodoo 5. Now let's move on to part 3 of this test.

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