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  Sunday, Jul 30, 2000 Report News | Archive | Top  
Game Not Over for AvP
- Posted 2:43 PM By Squirre1
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News was released a couple of days ago that the Source for AvP Gold will be released to the public. This now opens the ability to make MODs and addons for the game.
Here's a little bit of news for y'all: after listening to your many heartfelt pleas and discussing the matter both internally at Fox and also with our Rebellion chums, I am outrageously happy to present to you the original, the best, the only...SOURCE CODE FOR AVP GOOOOOOLD!!!!!

Seriously, we really do want to help out the fans who want to play around in the AvP sandpit so take it with our blessings and go do fun things with it, I look forward to seeing what people get up to.

Did you read the news about Rebellion buying up 2000AD the Great British megacomic that's home to Judge Dredd, Sam Slade, Johnny Alpha, Ro-Jaws, Rogue Trooper, Chopper, Halo Jones, Zenith, and a bunch of other totally cool characters from my formative years? Huge congrats to Jason, Chris et al and we look forward to what you guys will get up to with all that good stuff.

Also, now the 'official' word is out about Monolith's involvement with the sequel to AvP, I hope you're all excited about that and I'm sure I'll be talking to and hearing from people about that a lot more in the coming months. I think it's going to be a really cool title and that a lot of you will dig it deeply.
Hopefully one will be released real soon.
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