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Posted by DeathsDoor[SS] on 02-10-2004 11:50 AM:

I used a couple of names before (g-man and slayer) and since I seen there were already player using those names when I started playing online, I came up with DeathsDoor. That name came from the fact that even though I put up a good game, I die a lot! So I used that as the basis for my name...

Posted by pc_g0d on 02-24-2004 01:37 PM:

pc_g0d: The 1337 haxor way to say pc god and it wasn't taken when I was trying to make up a hotmail email address about 8 years ago since I was the resident geek on campus.

Posted by Mojo_jojo on 02-24-2004 03:00 PM:

Mine is even easier to understand everyone elses.

At the time I created Mojo_Jojo, I was not yet married to my wonderful, beautiful, fabulous wife Dori. Back then, she had bleached her hair blonde and at times she would have blonde moments.

At the time, I was a bachelor who loved to come home from work and watch cartoons in the evening instead of the news or anything serious. One of the cartoons that I watched most often due to it's time slot on my TV was the Power Puff Girls.

Since Bubbles is one of the characters on that show, and since my then girlfriend would at times act like Bubbles, I decided that the only other character that would fit me and not be freeky (just imagine what would have happened if I had chose "The Professor" as my handle while dating Bubbles) I didn't want to use some of the other characters so Mojo_Jojo became my handle.

The reason for the underscore is due to my hotmail account. was you can't have spaces in e-mail accounts.

A long time ago, back before we got MM in our year, Dilbert was dealing with the year 2000 and their system administrator who worked in the pc support area was called Mordac. I thought that it was a cool name and this name was actually my very first handle. But I lost interest with this and moved on.

Now, i am only known as Mojo_Jojo.

Maybe I'll change it this year to be the "Bastard Operator from Hell" BOFH for short.


Philip "Mojo Jojo" Hannum

Posted by KCShadowDragon on 02-24-2004 03:17 PM:

Hey... one of my MIRC handles is The_Professor...


-- 1f u c4n r34d t41s u r34lly n33d t0 g3t l41d.

Posted by Fear_Factor on 02-25-2004 02:51 PM:

when i first got into gaming around cs beta 5.5 my friend and i made it up and it just stuck. its still my handle when i am playing serious, but when im not serious i usually play under a few diff. handles, like dicktits, faggotbear, or something off the wall.

Posted by Squirre1 on 02-25-2004 04:11 PM:

And we know where all those names came from... ROFL...

Posted by Aline on 04-21-2004 11:35 AM:

My name's Aline, I like it a lot but I have no idea about where it comes from and what it means. Does anybody know that?

Posted by Squirre1 on 04-21-2004 01:55 PM:

---------------------------- haha....
get it a line... :P Yeah I know really cheesy...

"Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention."

Levitra Commercial :P

Posted by Anthos on 04-21-2004 04:07 PM:

Actually, Squirre1, you're not far off. Aline is just an alternate spelling of the word align, which means, in one instance, to arrange in a line or so as to be parallel.


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

Nobody wins in a quick-draw contest.

Posted by Squirre1 on 04-21-2004 10:16 PM:

Hrmmm, I feel smarter now... "That is from the pronunciation Meal-lay-wa-kay", says alice cooper...

"Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention."

Levitra Commercial :P

Posted by Sir Raven on 04-22-2004 03:00 AM:

Well lets see now.. I have 2 names which I go by. First one being MeGaZiPP which I picked when I first started using the internet with AOL back around 3.0. I just could not find a name that someone didnt already have. So with my trusty laptop and parallel zip drive I just settled on that.

I always wanted to have a custom Harley and name it the Blue Raven since I was in my early 20's. So with that I decided on Raven for a game name while keeping my other one as just a internet name. With so many others out thier that had my name, I decided to add Sir to it following a first completion of Diablo 2.

But now I just want to use my MeGaZiPP again...heh


Posted by Sir Raven on 04-22-2004 03:07 AM:

And what do ya know... I am what I once was....

The allmighty MeGaZiPP.
Sir Raven is no more.


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