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Posted by Curve on 11-12-2002 12:03 PM:

YOUR MwGL website

MwGL site redesign time is upon us. We make and maintain this information for you, thus we want YOUR input. What do you want to see on the next version of the website?

Ponder and include the following:
- News you want to see and news you don't want to see
- Content you wish to remain or have added
- Site design features
- Anything else you can think of that would make the site more enjoyable and more of a frequent spot to hit up.

If you feel like you might have something stupid to say that people would make fun of you for , feel free to email it to me privately @ .

Thank you all for taking time to fill this out to better help us.

Sweet sweet ass

Posted by Krogue on 11-27-2002 01:41 PM:

I like it just the way it is. Damn young people always trying to change things. Back in our day, all we had was one HTML page, and we liked it.

Damn whipper-snappers.

Posted by KaiserRoll on 11-29-2002 11:26 PM:

I like pretty much everything about the site right now, but I would like to see the date for the next lan party.

Posted by KaiserRoll on 11-30-2002 02:53 PM:

Actually, a listing of local internet game servers would be good, if you could dig up enough.. I can't seem to find any good ones for certain unnamed games...

Posted by mekk on 12-03-2002 02:20 AM:

You can clean up the forums, I don't think you need this many boards. Most of them aren't even used.

Posted by Kagato on 12-20-2002 08:38 PM:

You can clean up the forums, I don't think you need this many boards. Most of them aren't even used.

I've slowly gone through an purged older forums - was originally aiming for ones that were 6+ months without posts, maybe I should speed it up - or find more posters

**UPDATED** Well, now that we're up and running on the forums again, I've done some much needed pruning of the forums. Lemme know if there's anything you'd like to see - any quesitons/comments/ideas - lemme know.

Madness does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "'Hey, is there room in your head for one more?" --

Posted by KaiserRoll on 12-21-2002 02:11 AM:

Yea I knew this whole "Internet" thing was just a passing fad..

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