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Posted by Anthos on 10-12-2002 05:46 PM:

MwGL Tournament Format

Which would you rather play in?


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

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Posted by dbh on 10-13-2002 01:23 PM:

Umm - guys, I hate to always be the antagonist, but I think this is not the way to go about this. As an individual, I signed up to play in the UT2k3 tournament. I would wager more than half of the others listed did the same. Very few, if any of those registered for this tournament, are coming with a team. 3/4 options are team-based, at least 2 man. When you add in the factor that probably more than half the people in this tournament will not read this thread and that anyone, playing in the UT2k3 tourney or not, can vote - this really has a lot of flaws. I would suggest if you plan on even considering making this a team tournament that you keep it tba at the event and decided in a group meeting at the event itself by the participants. The game is too new for any real teams to have been established - this shouldn't even be considered as a tournament for teams. It'd be like having a CS tournament without the numbers to work with. UT2k3 has great team gameplay, but it is too early to jump into this at this size an event. With less than 20 people registered for this tournament, I think it should be kept to 1v1 DM or 6 man DM to a map.


Posted by KaiserRoll on 10-13-2002 01:53 PM:

Draw names out of a hat for teams, geez, its really not that hard. Anyways, it is new so I believe random teams would work, and i still think the BR/deathmatch thing would be interesting (the 4 v 4 BR, then dm after you get down to 8 or so) Id definatly join in the tournament then.

Posted by dbh on 10-13-2002 05:52 PM:

Kaiser, I said this before, but I'll post again. That format is great for informal, FREE, tournaments - but for a tournament where the participants are paying to win a prize, you cannot let the teams be random. I stand my point - given the situation and timing, this tournament is best presented as a simple 1v1 or 6-man FFA DM. I'm all for getting a good game of pub BR or CTF or whatever going - but for the tournament, I believe it should be kept straight-up and simple. If nothing else, please hold off on a tournament choice until the event day when you can talk to all participants and see what the majority wishes to do. I'll stand by whatever is decided then - but asking the few people who visit this site regularly to vote on a tournament with less than 20% participation is asking for trouble :\

Again though, Kaiser, I think your idea is excellent - it is in fact why the Lawrence Frag Fest has done away with formal tournaments and now simply lets the attendants run their own tournaments (provided they set it up with staff members prior to the event). We got tired of the competitive nature of tournaments and felt that in a 50 or less person LAN event, competition is second to having fun. But I don't think that is what the MWGL is about - I think tournaments still belong here. It's also why I am not opting for the Q3 tourney... during its time I will have the opportunity to play other games (BF1942, BR for UT2k3, etc. etc. etc.).

Please folks, give this some thought before making a decision. In the end I'll go with whatever you decide on. I trust your judgement - I am trying to point out something that may have been overlooked.


Posted by Anthos on 10-13-2002 06:40 PM:

You assume too much. This is a poll asking people's opinions. Nowhere does it say that this will decide the format of the tournament. I'm just trying to get a feel for what people would like to play in. Obviously, the choice, if there is one, would be left up to those actually participating in the tournament. And, if people visit the main website, it's listed right there, first thing they see. Just relax and try not to get your panties all bunched up.


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

Nobody wins in a quick-draw contest.

Posted by db-thetoy on 10-15-2002 12:48 PM:

You saying that the game is too new to have a real team basis yet. Not really saying you are wrong but I do have a team that is somewhat local and most of the members are attending. We have practiced the game since it has been out in demo format. Although I do disagree with drawing names for an organized tournament, having it in a team format would be nice I think.

Posted by dbh on 10-15-2002 02:00 PM:

Yes, nice for you since your team is coming :\ It's almost as ludicrous in my mind as making the Q3 tournament team-based too. I'm sure one or two folks out there play TDM together... to hell with all the 1v1 players.

All I'm saying is this: the game is brand new. Don't throw complications in a small tournament. Keep it simple. The CPL is doing 1v1. UT1 tournaments at the MWGL (at least, all the ones I attended) have always been 1v1. Keep it simple. Let the BR and CTF fans pick it up in pub play at the LAN. If it goes over well, and more people become attached to the game, make the next tournament more team oriented. But for a first time experience, I think 1v1 environment is the simplest way to go. Just my thoughts - there are two sides to everything tho :\


Posted by Anthos on 10-15-2002 04:05 PM:

Also, keep in mind that UT2K3 was designed as a team game. Most of the options of play are team based, that's why most of the options in the poll are team based. Obviously, the amount of participants will play a part. But I think you should prepare yourselves, at least in the future, to compete in a team based UT2K3 match. We may get a "just for fun/props" tournament going at the event for a random-team BR format.


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

Nobody wins in a quick-draw contest.

Posted by BurnPilot on 10-15-2002 07:41 PM:

Originally posted by dbh
Very few, if any of those registered for this tournament, are coming with a team. 3/4 options are team-based, at least 2 man.

Yes, nice for you since your team is coming :\ It's almost as ludicrous in my mind as making the Q3 tournament team-based too. I'm sure one or two folks out there play TDM together... to hell with all the 1v1 players.

This arguement could be used for almost any team game played at our lans, cs included. Usually the CS tourney has a few teams that play together regularly and the rest are throw together teams with maybe 2 or 3 people who play together tops, if that. Under this rational it would be unfair to have the CS tourny because so many people don't come with teams, they come looking to find a pick up team. For UT2k3, many clans from the original are converting over so despite it's newness, it already has a good base of clan activity. If you don't have a team if and when we start doing a bombing run tourney you will be in the same boat so many of our cs players are on a regular occasion. If you view that as unfair then you know how many of our cs participants probably feel when their makeshift team goes up against one of the teams that plays together a lot.

That being said, as Anthos said, this is not necessarily a poll for this coming lan. Anthos and I were discussing the tourney and thought Bombing Run would make a nice one because of the futuristic sport styling of it. As a result we decided to put up a poll and see what others thought of some different format ideas. If there is enough interest we will probably at least get a friendly competition server up for people to duke it out if nothing else. If 50% of the people signed up for the forums/lan said they wanted it though we would probably give it to them. We have been looking for a while at other team based games and ways to spice up the tournaments. This is one possiblity. Keep in mind that CS is not the only team based game out there and just because you don't have a team and play it mostly as a 1v1 style game doesn't mean other people fall into the same catergory.

"One of the major tactical blunders when involved in any conflict is to have supply lines dependent on crossing bridges. That's just asking for trouble."

Posted by dbh on 10-15-2002 08:00 PM:

I understand that perspective, and agree... however when someone reads this:

"For those of you who will be competing in the Unreal Tournament 2003 tournament, please vote for which type of tournament you would like to compete in. This poll will be available for one week, so make your votes count now!"

and you add in the factor that we have been asking and wondering what format this tournament will be, the obvious perception of the above is:

"The winning option of this poll will be what we do."

:\ Sorry for misinterpreting... I did not realize this was a poll to feel the playing field and determine future possibilities - not just the dawning one.

I am all for BR/CTF. I like both modes of play - particularly the new, BR. I'm just saying until things heat up more for this title, and more patches have arrived, keeping this tournament simple would be wise (in my opinion). Again, please don't think this is a hostage/threatening post I'll play any format you put up with a smile on my face and probably have a great time I just believe straight 1v1 DM is the way to go :\ Obviously, however, based on the polls thus far, a lot of us are looking forward to a larger BR-based game. I am all for a large BR pub game - maybe even after the tournament, assuming there is a break sometime, someone could organize a massive 12 vs 12 sized game (assuming someone can dedicate a machine strong enough for that). Maybe during the Q3 tournament-- which wouldn't at ALL be convenient for me, a registrant enrolled in the other two tournaments


Posted by Anthos on 10-15-2002 08:05 PM:

Originally posted by dbh
"For those of you who will be competing in the Unreal Tournament 2003 tournament, please vote for which type of tournament you would like to compete in. This poll will be available for one week, so make your votes count now!"
I deliberately worded it that way to get people's attention so they would actually go and vote, especially those who would be competing, as those are the one's who could/would be most affected by the outcome of the poll.


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

Nobody wins in a quick-draw contest.

Posted by dbh on 10-15-2002 08:13 PM:

Smart person Seems it worked, for the most part.


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