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Posted by KaiserRoll on 12-30-2002 05:56 PM:

Monthly membership thing

What is that anyways, besides the obvious? Sounds like an interesting thing especially if you actually do events more than once every three months.

Posted by Squirre1 on 12-30-2002 06:55 PM:

It is extremely preliminary, but we have bounced around the idea that people could pay a monthly membership fee. That fee would include special site accesses, email, game server, etc... and then as well be able to gain free entry into the MwGL events and tournaments....

If anyone feels like commenting on this... Please feel free...

Posted by KaiserRoll on 12-30-2002 07:28 PM:

As long as the fee wasn't too teriibly large that would work really really well. I like the email idea, This hotmail stuff is for the birds.

Posted by Squirre1 on 12-30-2002 09:08 PM:

I would like to get feedback from others and see if they would like it as well. What they would like to see from a membership...

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Posted by Krogue on 01-03-2003 10:16 AM:

Well, most of you know my feelings on this subject. I have been promoting a monthly membership fee for members for over a year now. I was the first one to vote YES on the homepage poll.

I am all for the idea of having a regular monthly income for the group. This would allow us to pay deposits and upfront costs for events without digging into member pockets. Also, it allows us to have better fiscal planning, and a tighter grip on the budget.

Additionally, one of the perks to a membership fee is the fact that we could make more money than by just having LANs. For example, if I pay a membership fee, you get my $10.00 per month every month, but in my case, I may only be able to come to a LAN every 4-5 months. So, for my attending 1 LAN event, we have made $40 - $50. Now, this won't be true for everyone, but it will apply to some. Also, even if we have no-shows to LAN events, if they happen to be dues paying members, then we still have the money.

Please refer to my numerous previous posts on the things we could provide with additional income (i.e... member-only game servers, more big-ticket prizes, members outings to game conventions, etc....).

I am tentatively planning on coming down in February. If I can make it, I would like it if we could set aside some time for a Think-tank/Brainstorm session with the members during the LAN. Maybe iron out some definite decisions, and also assign responsibilities for those decisions.


Posted by Tuscanspeed on 01-29-2003 08:25 AM:

Only if I get to use the MWGL Tag with my name

Posted by Porky on 01-29-2003 11:23 PM:

i want mwgl tag also

name the price ill pay as long i get the MwGl tag too

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