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Posted by Krystal on 12-16-2003 03:50 PM:

Brian when is the next MWGL and am I there or what?

Hey, I was wondering when the next MWGL is going to be, you had originally planned it being after new years.. just wondering lemme know! Im there if you let me be hehee

<3 me



Posted by Krystal on 12-21-2003 11:24 PM:

talking to my self here?? hmmmmmm?? yeah umm yeah...



Posted by Anthos on 12-22-2003 09:01 AM:

Brian will get back to you when and if he has enough time. I would imagine there are more important things going on in his life right now. There hasn't been a date set, yet, anyhow. So, you're going to have to learn a little patience.


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

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Posted by Krystal on 12-22-2003 10:34 AM:

LOL I know he's busy Iam too. I was just wondering if it could be before new years?? :\ I am going out of town after the 1st. that's why I ask. SORRRRRRRRRRRY to rush ya.




Posted by Squirre1 on 12-22-2003 11:26 AM:

The date we have talked about is the 10th, I am not sure if this was set in stone.. I have heard no feedback about confirming that date, but that is the recommended date...

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Posted by KaiserRoll on 12-22-2003 05:03 PM:

Is the next event a full blown deal, or another one of those invite only ones.

Posted by BurnPilot on 12-22-2003 07:03 PM:

Still doing the small (invite) ones for now. Won't have another large one until we find a location we are happy with (good balance between price and other factors) and believe will work for us for a while. Most temporary places to hold large events just plain cost too much.

"One of the major tactical blunders when involved in any conflict is to have supply lines dependent on crossing bridges. That's just asking for trouble."

Posted by Krystal on 12-23-2003 03:36 PM:

Ya Josh you have a good point. And Brian I dont think I can make that date. But Like I said I will be out of town.. purhaps moving till the baby is born. Not really sure yet everything is way up in the air with my life. But um maybe a mini mwgl before the new year?? :P if not thats cool.

thanks boys!



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