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Posted by SicKneSs on 11-18-2004 06:31 PM:


Hey guys,

If you haven't tried Xfire I would suggest you give it a try! Xfire is a messenger for gamers that allows you to see your friends and what game(s) they are playing. It also allows you to instantly join them in game!

It's completely free and always being updated, if you have any questions feel free to ask and i'll do my best to answer.

You can check it out at

Posted by Reflex on 11-18-2004 11:02 PM:

Even though this post reads like a badly written advertisement, Xfire is actually really cool, I have used it for about 6 monthes and I'm always on it with my friends, it helps us corrdinate games and generally have more fun.

Posted by KCShadowDragon on 11-19-2004 11:29 AM:

I always forget to turn it on. But I have it. It's not bad. Nick is the same on Xfire as it is on here.

-- 1f u c4n r34d t41s u r34lly n33d t0 g3t l41d.

Posted by Tech Doc on 11-23-2004 12:27 AM:

I'm running it as well, I just can't run it when I play SWG cause it crashed it last time I did, anyway my name on there is the same as on here, no space between tech and doc though, so it's techdoc

"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power bath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be... In nomine Patris,et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." Connor and Murphy MacManus

Posted by EvilTekno on 12-07-2004 12:04 PM:

Sounds good, think I'll check it out, now just need to get some friends...
(curses FFXI for taking his friends away)


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

Posted by Squirre1 on 12-07-2004 12:09 PM:

I need to get this also... We need to strike up another members lan soon to start to plan the next large lan

"Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention."

Levitra Commercial :P

Posted by EvilTekno on 12-07-2004 12:15 PM:

Lan action? I'm down, you can usually always find me fighting it out on HL2DM these days


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

Posted by KCShadowDragon on 12-07-2004 01:23 PM:

FFXI... heh

Patience. Soon FFXII will be here. woooo hoooo.

I'm not anxious or nothin.

-- 1f u c4n r34d t41s u r34lly n33d t0 g3t l41d.

Posted by EvilTekno on 12-07-2004 08:48 PM:

ugh, looks like no support for HL2DM as of yet


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

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