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Posted by Mizzouri on 07-21-2004 12:16 AM:

Wired wirelessly

Anyone gotten 2 wireless routers to connect to each other? I've got a Belkin54g and a Linksys11b and can't get them to talk for the life of me. The manual for the Belkin says it can be done, but is only been tested with other Belkin devices, of course.

Posted by Squirre1 on 07-21-2004 07:05 AM:

It should work because they do not work like routers at that point but more like bridges... I have not done it though personally...

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Posted by pc_g0d on 07-21-2004 10:54 AM:

I've thought about doing that, but I figured you'd have to wire them would be great to figure out how to do it wirelessly...then I can have two access points in my house for better signal strength. Let us know if you figure it out!

Posted by Krogue on 07-21-2004 11:13 AM:


If I remember correctly from my Linksys, there is an option in the Advanced Options tab from the web interface that lets you set it as an extra access point. It will then no longer act as a router and only as an additional access point on the network.

Wish I could remember more. I will try to check at home tonight if I get home early enough and double check.



Posted by Krogue on 07-21-2004 11:16 AM:


I found a reference to this question on the Linksys site. It definitely can be done.


Posted by Mizzouri on 07-22-2004 03:44 AM:

If I'm not mistaken those instructions talk about connecting the 2 devices physically. Someone is going to bring in another router (a Belkin I hope) so that we can try it again. I'll keep you guys posted.

Posted by g0dsp33d on 08-18-2004 07:36 AM:

Has to be 2 of the same unit on this cheap stuff. Get into to some air bridges and proxim stuff and you can mix and match.

if you check this photo out this was pulling off some dudes linksys about 300 yards away from my duplex.

I couldn't get it to bridge withe my WAP11 linksys so it is directly to my comp.

Yeah, uhhh....Shit Happens...

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