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Posted by -TK- on 02-10-2003 11:54 PM:

Paying For Cs Tourny???

Id like to comment on the $5 fee to enter the cs tourny. And just as Krogue said about Q3,

And, let's be honest, the same people always end up at or near the tip of the heap. Who can get excited about that, except for those particular people?

the same people always end up at the top. I love to play cs. But I dont have time to be extremely serious, practice all the time, and be in a really compeditive clan. But i do want to be in the tournament with my friends. I think its kinda dumb for us to have to pay $5 a peice when we KNOW for a fact that we're not gonna win. Maybe down the price to like $5 per team? That way you could say u won somthing, but people like me who are just in it to have fun and be a little more competative dont feel stupid for paying to lose. Another thing, how bout a losers bracket? I like the fact that it is double illimination but still, we had to play the team who ended up winning the whole thing the first match, and the team who got 3rd the second. I mean come on, a bunch of friends who made up our clan name RIGHT then had no chance in hell. Least in the losers bracket wed have a little chance. OR MAYBE have seperate tournaments based on skill of the clan. That way itd be a decently fair game, and petty clans like mine have a decent chance and have a little more fun. I mean come on I didnt even get 1 GOD DAMN kill the first match!!! NOT ONE! I just dont like paying when I know for a fact that Im gonna lose

Posted by Anthos on 02-11-2003 01:31 AM:

Quite honestly, I'm unsure of how to answer this. The most simple answer, obviously, would be to tell you not to pay the $5 and just not play in the tournament. There will be plenty of time for free-play/pubbing against the same people that would be in the tournament. Just ask a team for a scrim. I imagine some of them would be glad to give you a lesson in "pwnage". Also, to be perfectly honest, most teams enter tournaments to win; and if there's money involved in the win, that makes it all the better.

As for your losers bracket idea, I am not sure I understand what you are saying. Perhaps you could enlighten me to the difference in what you are talking about and what we did? We have considered having separate tournaments (i.e. pro vs. amateur), but have not come up with a good system to rank teams/players (as the teams and players are not very consistent at our events), while still being fair to everyone and not being a major time sink to the volunteers that run this event.

I understand that it sucks to have the bad luck you did, in having to play two tough teams right off the bat. However, it's ALWAYS going to happen, no matter what you do. Someone has to lose twice, in order for the tournament to continue. Be thankful that it's double elimination and you got a chance to play a second match.

Dropping the price down? I doubt it. While it might make it better for people like yourself, the majority of the competitive teams out there wouldn't really get anything to show for it. Keep in mind that MwGL is still a small event, compared to major CS tournaments. I can't imagine some of these guys going somewhere and saying, "Hey, we got first place at MwGL!"....response being "WTF are you talking about?". Even with $5 a person, the third place team doesn't even double their winnings with the size tournament we have. We only had nine teams. We have strived to make our event and tournaments have a balance between fun and competitiveness. I believe we have managed to do that pretty well, so far. I don't think, however, that lowering the price would have a positive impact on that goal.

The best answer I can give you, I think, would be for you to attend one of our "Lite" events (these haven't been announced yet, I don't think). These will be weekend long events, specifically for people to just come and game with 119 like-minded individuals. No official tournaments, no schedule, no meals, etc. Tournaments may be run by attendees (i.e. no money involved). That might be of interest for you.


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

Nobody wins in a quick-draw contest.

Posted by [atr]-infected on 02-11-2003 08:52 AM:

it's five dollars man.. you can find that in your couch.

Posted by Kagato on 02-11-2003 09:23 AM:

it's five dollars man.. you can find that in your couch.

Dude, you gotte let me borrow that couch for awhile - all I ever find in mine is pizza crust and various other food debris. Guess I should just start making sure friends come other with plenty of spare change in their pockets.

Madness does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "'Hey, is there room in your head for one more?" --

Posted by mekk on 02-14-2003 10:18 AM:

5$ is extremely cheap for a CS tournament. Most lans are double that. Some even TRIPLE!

Posted by Will_T on 02-17-2003 02:39 PM:


CPL is 75 dollars.. 5 bucks is nothing... and are there really any half-decent Lans around KC?... nope

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