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Posted by Porky on 01-08-2003 08:37 AM:

Angry Wtf Is Up With This No Quake Iii????????

Yeah youll have cs yes you will have ut but wtf no Q3... tons of people always play in the tourney.... if it is a problem with having someone run it ill help run it heck... last mwgl wamran ran it and played in it.... Seriously i been to many quake 3 arena tournaments pro gamming and non... So i do know how to run one correctly swiftly and professionaly... Please do not stop having tournamnets that people participate in!! The game still owns it still competes with cs and its way more played than ut2003 sorry... rofl the QUAKERS OWN THE FREAKIN UT'rs look at CPL FREAKING FAT WON IT W00T

Posted by Squirre1 on 01-08-2003 10:11 AM:

We are not saying we will not have a quake 3 tournament... UT 2003 was new when we had the last event and was only out approx a week prior to the weekend. Also, at the last event we only had approx 9 people in the quake3 tournament if I recall. We are not dumping q3 all together but are looking into shifting the tournaments between the events. We are already working the next event that will be posted shortly after this one is completed... If not this event, we will have one then...

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Posted by Krogue on 01-08-2003 11:23 PM:

I will be proud to say this out loud and with no reservations.


There it is. Porky, I know you are "Mr. Happy-Pants", when it comes to getting to play Q3. But, for most of the rest of us, it is simply the same old tired shit. It isn't even a game worth watching, when almost all of the players turn everything down to Pong-like graphics, in order to get the 1 millisecond jump on the competition.

And, let's be honest, the same people always end up at or near the tip of the heap. Who can get excited about that, except for those particular people?

I don't particularly care whether we do a UT2003, or an old school Rogue Spear tournament, or a freakin Ms. Pac-Man tournament for that matter. As long as it is something different. Give more people a chance to play and compete at an equal level. Get people excited about participating in tournaments again.

I mean what is the point in paying the extra money to be in a tournament, when the brackets and winners are pretty much decided before the first game is played? No, I definitely think that mixing up tournament games on a LAN by LAN basis is the way to go.

And anyway, Porky, if you really want to play -- get those same 8 or 9 people who always play anyway and put together your own little best of the dogpile tournament. Everyone can pitch in some cash for the kitty, and winner takes all. No one is stopping you from playing the damn game ... We just don't want to have to watch it anymore.


Posted by BurnPilot on 01-09-2003 12:56 AM:

Porky, you just need to face facts. Eventually Q3 was going to leave the tourney rotation, just like CS eventually will and even UT2k3 will one day. Heck if I had decided the tournies for the next event it would have been 1v1 Jedi Knight 2 Duels and Ut2k3 Bombing run for the team event. Games get old and get put to the side eventually. By rotating in new games, it gives new people a chance to win. Why should the people that put as much time into some other game as you put into Q3 be forced to watch the same crap over and over at every event. I'm all for NEVER having the same tournaments at two events in a row, just to keep things interesting for everyone and give more people chances to win. Who knows, maybe one day we will have another Q3 tourney, it's hard to say. Just go with the times man.

"One of the major tactical blunders when involved in any conflict is to have supply lines dependent on crossing bridges. That's just asking for trouble."

Posted by Brett on 01-09-2003 03:19 PM:


I think id agree with porky, if you plan on running the cs tourny during *normal* hours, maybe have the q3 real late or someting i dont think most people would care, even though im plain ut2k3 at the time, id help run a q3 1v1 tourny..if mwgl allowed. I hope ut2k3 is 1v1 to :X.

Posted by Squirre1 on 01-09-2003 03:30 PM:

Ok, how about we run it as an un-official tournament, I would feel less stress from that. Then we can run an official tournment the next event.. Is porky willing to play for fame and not for a prize....?

I would also like to add a JKII saber dual tournament for fame and not for a prize....

Is that acceptable... If so I will add them both....

"Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention."

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Posted by Brett on 01-09-2003 03:47 PM:


FAME > PRIZE Lets do it i'll help and squirreal ut2k3 = 1v1 hope so :O tell me if u guys need like server configs or shit, also use that ttm mod i posted link owns for competive play, like osp for quake.

Posted by Squirre1 on 01-09-2003 06:43 PM:

I would like to get some other peoples comments on this....

If a FAME tournament just happens to not get completed as apposed to a Money tournament, it is alot more laid back......

/me breathes a sigh of releaf...

Brett can you send me a email with that URL again.. I am going to start working on the servers....

Posted by devilon on 01-11-2003 03:13 AM:


I will own you all in Ms. Pac-Man.

Posted by Squirre1 on 01-11-2003 09:17 AM:


/me has fallen and he can't get up....

"Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention."

Levitra Commercial :P

Posted by obsidian on 01-14-2003 10:26 AM:

Uhg, not another of Epic's so called attempt at a fps called ut2k3.

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