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Posted by Mizzouri on 01-03-2005 01:04 PM:

LAN --- Jan 29th

Who's down for some LAN beat down?

Posted by KaiserRoll on 01-04-2005 02:01 AM:

Cool, I can be there if you need seat fillers.

I got crusader too, great game. We should play it.

Posted by Mizzouri on 01-06-2005 12:14 PM:

Anyone else planning on being here? I'd like to start sizing up how many peeps are interested. Thanks!

Posted by Squirre1 on 01-06-2005 03:06 PM:

As of right now, I am in... Kevin said he is a no go and I am guessing phil rick and chris will be there... Any other and guys can you confirm..

"Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention."

Levitra Commercial :P

Posted by EvilTekno on 01-06-2005 04:56 PM:

I'm down, sign me up


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

Posted by Tech Doc on 01-07-2005 11:58 AM:

I won't be able to confirm until the week before. I'm planning on comming though

"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power bath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be... In nomine Patris,et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." Connor and Murphy MacManus

Posted by EvilTekno on 01-08-2005 03:36 PM:

What games are we expecting to play?


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

Posted by Mizzouri on 01-08-2005 03:54 PM:

I'm adding Aaron and Andy to the group. As far as games go, I'm thinking about Call of Duty, Counter Strike Source and Half Life 2. Any thoughts from the peanut gallery would be good.

***** RANT *****
ALL participants are expected to have the games installed and tested before showing up. Let's try to avoid wasting hours and hours while peeps install games. And yes, I'm really encouraging everyone to have legitimate copies of the games we'll be playing. We kill far too much time while the "public" copy is passed around to the guys who show up with NOTHING installed. So, please just show up ready to play.
***** RANT *****

Posted by EvilTekno on 01-08-2005 07:25 PM:

I'm down for HL2DM and CS: Source, sadly I don't own a copy of Call of Duty, but I'm down for UT2K4. I've actually been interested in trying some Unreal mods if anyone's interested, it's so hard to find active servers for most of them. Also, I'm almost done with my next custom map for HL2DM. A LAN would be a great chance to try it out if anyone's interested.


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

Posted by Mizzouri on 01-08-2005 08:26 PM:

You don't need a cd to play Call of Duty in multiplayer mode. If you need a copy beforehand just shout out and I'm sure someone here will let you borrow their copy. Where do you live?

Posted by EvilTekno on 01-08-2005 09:58 PM:

Kansas City, MO
Brookside, over by 75th and Wornall


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

Posted by Reflex on 01-09-2005 05:09 PM:

I'm up for some UT2k4 for sure, you might PM me if you want a little practice beforehand.

Posted by WaRMaN on 01-10-2005 10:22 PM:

Unfortunately I am out of the PC gaming busines. I can no longer justify the money involved in keeping a PC in shape. I play all my games on XBOX LIVE and spend my extra cash on guitars and recording equipment. I am going to be a rock star soon, and only then will I be able to afford to keep up a PC. Until then, let me know if you need an ass kicking in HALO 2...

Posted by EvilTekno on 01-11-2005 12:46 AM:

If you want to join us Warman I have an extra PC I can bring, it's nothing special, but has the minimum specs needed to play some games.


The Geneva Convention explicitly allows the use of chemical weapons in the event of momma jokes.

Posted by Squirre1 on 01-11-2005 09:16 AM:

He is just a pussy... He can drag his machine over...

"Men who experience an erection for more than four hours should seek immediate medical attention."

Levitra Commercial :P

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