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Posted by pc_g0d on 07-03-2002 01:09 PM:

Lightbulb Warcraft III Lan Game over WAN


I'm trying to figure out a way to play Warcraft III with my friends over the net without connecting to BNET. So I thought, there must be a way to play a LAN GAME over the WAN.

So, this is what I've come up with. I'm going to try to work on this soon. Still researching all possibilities first.

Cable Modem to router.
Router port forwarding VPN to VPN server
Config server as Win2K VPN Server
Plug VPN NIC1 into router
Plug VPN NIC2 into switch
Plug local PC's into switch
Create VPN client package to provide to friends
Have them install it on their PC's and connect to my VPN server
It will give them a private IP on my network
Hopefully they will see the LAN game

Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.

NOTE: only reason I don't want to play on BNET is because I'd rather play with my friends only and not have to deal with logging into BNET, etc just to do that.

ALSO: Blizzard has shutdown all of the potential server projects that it can find (FSGS/BNETD) so unless there is one created for WAR3...but that is also a license violation...

Posted by BurnPilot on 07-03-2002 01:46 PM:

It really sucks that Blizzard took out the ip option that it had in previous games like Diablo 2. Wouldn't finding a way to circumvent the code, as you are talking about, be in violation to the licensing agreement no matter what? While if might be cool if you could find a way around it it would probably still be illegal and against Blizzard's wishes. I'm guessing they shut those other programs down because it really catered to people with illegal versions.

Anyway, if you are looking for someone to play over with, I'm up for it Also on a side note, you might want to post any further posts about WC3 in the RTS section since people still technically consider it more of an RTS than an RPG, even with the heroes.

Edit: Hey I am a mod in both, so I will just move it there for you

"One of the major tactical blunders when involved in any conflict is to have supply lines dependent on crossing bridges. That's just asking for trouble."

Posted by Krogue on 07-03-2002 03:06 PM:


If that works, we should defintely post that information publicly on the news site. I don't think that it violates the EULA in any way. Since your proposal would limit play to a privately owned and operated Private Wide Area Network (regardless of whether it utilizes public bandwidth), there is no specific violation of the public hosting issues in the EULA.

In addition, although EULA's are widely distributed with software, they are also widely ignored. Recent court cases at the Federal Level have, in some cases, shot down the legality and viability of EULAs. Since the EULA often tries to take away basic consumer rights from a purchaser, many judges have ruled that these limitations on use are unenforceable, or outright void.

Defintely let us know if this works. I agree that Blizzard has made a huge mistake in not incorporating IP play available in WC3. It was a big way to play with both Diablo and D2, and should have been included as an option this time.


Posted by Squirre1 on 07-26-2002 01:58 PM:

I agree with Krogue... We need to get this out... Is no EULA violation if you ask me...

Posted by Krogue on 07-26-2002 04:25 PM:

Only 23 days later, Squirrel finally reads the forum and posts a reply.

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