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Posted by BuZzZz on 09-26-2002 07:55 PM:

Question VOTE FOR THE SECOND TOURNAMENT!! Replacement of Q3!!! (unofficial)

This is unoffcial of course, but i would like to see what you guys think, for a second tournment besides Quake 3 being sence it so old, and theres alot better games out besides it, that might even get a better turun out?

1. Unreal Tournment

2. Jedi Knight 2

3. Cassle Wolfenstien

4. SOF2

5. Quake 3

6. Any others that i forgot or that you would like to add?

This is your chance, to show the MWGL guys what you think, maybe even change it!! But does any body really want to play Q3??? Lets see it!



Posted by Brett on 09-26-2002 09:58 PM:

that would be dumb..

why replace q3..

Posted by BurnPilot on 09-27-2002 12:35 AM:

Because it's old and it sucks

"One of the major tactical blunders when involved in any conflict is to have supply lines dependent on crossing bridges. That's just asking for trouble."

Posted by KaiserRoll on 09-27-2002 05:23 PM:

But everyone pretty much has it, anyone that matters anyways. More people probably have quake than anthing else on that list.

Posted by BuZzZz on 09-28-2002 11:05 PM:

Yeah Finaly, Some one that agrees!!

Why does eveyone think Q3 is so great, the charcters, are good, but, it so old, and so many newer games are out, its just not right.

Yeah thinks for the votes quys, but really why Q3. and who cares if everone has it, there some games eveyone has, but doesnt mean we have to play it!!

well what ever!!


Posted by dbh on 09-29-2002 12:26 PM:

Because people don't like change, Buzzz. Most football professionals don't switch to basketball halfway through their career. The same is true for gamers. If you work hard to acquire a certain level of proficiency at a game, of course it's going to be hard to move on to "newer" games. Why should they? Graphics? Pro gamers don't care - they turn everything off anyway. Game style? Very few completely new "original" ideas hit the pike these days - but then again, even when they do, very few progamers make the switch. Look at UT2k3's BR mode... just in -=SoF=- alone there was a large debate about whether or not we should all go out and buy this title. One member brought up the point that BR was new and fun - then again, another member stated "who cares? If I want to play football, I'll go outside and do it."

I tend to agree with the former of those two attitudes, but that's my point: once people are stuck on something, it's very difficult for them to change. Look at Counter-Strike's many many new version releases. For months on end after a new release, pro-gamers screamed, whined, and shouted at the changes, threatening to leave the community if their demands weren't met. Did they leave? Some did, but not many. They got used to the changes and stuck with what they were vaguely used to over going to something new.

It's a fact of life: people don't like change. Doesn't mean change isn't good - people just don't like it.

Q3 is dwindling, however. It will see it's demise long before Counter-Strike. I'd wager it's doomsday to be the day QuakeIV arrives and it's populace moves onto that (assuming it can handle more max_players than it's engine: DoomIII!).


Posted by BuZzZz on 09-29-2002 08:48 PM:

Yeah.. I guese that makes sence!

I have never really found q3 fun, it can be, but, i dont know

thats one thing i dont get thoug, q3 been out for what 4 years, and there still people playing it, but, when why did every one quit playing UT it was a great game!! and why is it theres only a few games people play, like some play q3 some play MOF some CS and a few other and thats it, but there are so manny good games out there and some people, only play one or to, but then again it could be money, and buying them and having to learn how to play a new game, aghhhh ahhh i dont know, just ingore me!

cant wait till the tournment!!


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