A Codec Named Nancy

Posters Name: Kagato
Posters Email: kagato@mwgl.org
Subject: A Codec Named Nancy

An interesting little news article has been posted over at EETimes. It discusses a new light-weight video codec called Nancy and how it compares to the MPEG-4 standards that many have figured would be the standard for distibuted video. In a word:

The codec will run "even if CPU power is not high," said Kato. "A 50-Mips CPU can compress and decompress video at 30 frames per second with QCIF [176 x 144-pixel] resolution [using Nancy]. There is no other video codec in a software form that can encode and decode." The program for real-time video compression and decompression takes 30 to 40 kbytes of memory, "and consumes about one-tenth of the power compared with MPEG-4 operation," he added.
While there appears to be no backing from any US companies as they received "the cold shoulder on a promotional trip to Silicon Valley in the late 1990s", they have alliances in both Korea and Japan, and with the ever-expanding wireless era, this should definately push them into a higher profile.
Source: EETimes (http://www.eetimes.com/)

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