Elemental - A Total Conversion DS Mod

Posters Name: Anthos
Posters Email: anthos@mwgl.org
Subject: Elemental - A Total Conversion DS Mod

Mods are popping up all over. This time it's a total conversion mod called "Elemental" that's being announced.

We just wanted to announce our Dungeon Siege mod is well under way and the site is up. Check us out at www.the-elemental.net.

Elemental is a total conversion of Dungeon Siege, comprised of completely unique worlds and inhabitants. Elemental features new races, five Techniques of Elemental Magic replacing the standard magic system, an innovative Covenant system enabling characters to make truly interesting character development decisions, weather/time/ seasons, gambling, an invasion system with swarming raids, and other sweet goodness.

We call Elemental’s theme Biblepunk(tm), where a real geographical and historical setting collides with the fantastical. Here you’ll play a slave seeking your freedom - and your destiny - as an Elemental.
Please contact us if you would like more info.
Sounds like a very interesting project. Head on over to their site and check it out. They are also looking for help, if you're interested.
Source: The Land of Dungeon Siege (http://www.thelandofds.com/)

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