Haludza MOD version 1.9 for UT

Posters Name: Squirre1
Posters Email: squirre1@mwgl.org
Subject: Haludza MOD version 1.9 for UT

Klan RUR has just released a brand new MOD call the Haludza MOD version 1.90. This MOD has the following features:

  • Off hand crapple (new translocator-like utility)
  • Haludza flak cannon (carry two flak cannons at once!)
  • Haludza ripper (same as above)
  • Bloodtrails (when shot, you start bleeding and loose health)
  • More Gore (a must)
  • Heartbeat (close to zero health you'll actually hear your heart pounding!)
  • Mine Launcher (well, have a guess...)
  • Shrinker
  • Haludza Sniper (hit players will swell up, float around and finally blast)
  • Q3 and UT (simulates some hit sounds and other features from Q3)
  • There is alot more in this MOD but you will just have to check it out for yourself. You can go directly to the Haludza Site here.

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