B&W Patch Delayed (Again...)

Posters Name: Kagato
Posters Email: kagato@mwgl.org
Subject: B&W Patch Delayed (Again...)

For those anxious to get their hands on the new patch for Black & White, you'll have to wait a little longer. According to Robert Hansen, there's been another slight delay on the release of the, here's the info :

Lionhead has completed programming the first Black and White patch. The patch also contains an additional feature - enhanced support for Pentium 4. It is currently still undergoing configuration testing with Electronic Arts and is awaiting QA approval before being released. We are expecting to learn the QA completion date on Monday, at which point a notice will be posted on this site.

Lionhead regrets that it is not able to release a pre-QA version of the Patch as originally planned due to customer support concerns at EA.
I suppose if anything, we should be happy that patch is being put through its paces, rather than the patch-a-day we had when Tribes2 came out.

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