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EverGlide MousePad


EverGlide MousePad
- Submited Wednesday, June 19th, 2002 at 12:39 PM By Curve    
EMail Review to a Friend  Printer Friendly Version    0 Comments | Add 
Whether it has been from your favorite site, MwGL or those other ones, you have heard something about the EverGlide MousePads. What have you really learned about this pad though? Do you know the ins and the outs? You don't?!?!?! HAVE NO FEAR! CURVE IS HERE! Read you foolish mortals, read!
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I finally had enough. After coming and going from the MwGL website, I had to finally do it. The banner had been staring at me, I went to their webpage 3-4 times, read the other reviews, I HAD TO HAVE ONE (that and my brother spilled water on my other mousepad). The EverGlide mousepad. You've heard about them, now hear about them from me.

There I was at their website. Let's first talk about their website, it's about time for an upgrade guys.The website is functional yes, but you aren't doing so much to grab my attention. Your mousepads are super keen, but what are you promoting them with exactly? The website gets low marks. We're not here to review that, though, are we? Continuing...

So, I'm at their website, I go through all their menu options from mouse skatez to Rada Cutlery. Oh it's true, if you want to buy some cutlery these guys aren't kidding around! But what's the one thing staring at me in the face to get? Mr. EverGlide Black Concave for 9.95. I stroked the screen over it's beautiful picture. "You want me to own you don't you?", I asked. Of course it didn't respond, but there was a moment we shared that I knew that it wanted me. So of course, I put it off like a cheap lover and clicked the Bargins! link.

Oh the Bargins! link, why must you toy with me. You have such cheap things that are dying for me to press the 'add to cart' button, but what do you truly have to offer? One can take their chance on getting a Bargins! EverGlide mousepad that will come with a "personalized" logo on it at a very cheap price. But what's the catch? You might get something on it that says "Pink Warrior" or "Curve waz here". With those you never know. You get the (taken from the webpage) "over-runs, mis-prints and discontinued brands". I took some 'Curve time' and asked myself if I could live with that. Could I actually take a misprint? Could I take the runt of the litter? Like hell, I'm way too important for that!

Back to the EverGlides Pads link I went. I searched for my EverGlide Black Concave for 9.95 that I had left for the dirty tramp that was 'Bargins!' and together again we were."Add to cart", I quickly said. And so it was done. What could possibly stand in my way from there on? About $8+ of shipping is what! That's almost the whole EverGlide mousepad! However reading their shipping terms I quickly realized that these are cared for products. They take quality time to make these things. And they are right. Not to mention there is a nerd in a corner making about $10,000 a day making these things. No sweat shops here! So, I quickly got over the shipping cost. It really is not that big of a deal, and while I was at it I thought hell I'll throw on a wrist rest. The shipping jumped like a matter of 10+ cents. I created a username and password and it was ready to go.

I was relieved. My package was on the way and I had a confirmation message on the way to tell me it was complete. I open up my mail, read the message "Dear Mr. Jon Mossie.. blah blah blah.. Your package is being shipped to Lee". Lee what? Quick note to everyone here that fills out forms. If you have an apostrophe in your shipping address, don't add it, because it DELETES EVERYTHING AFTER IT. In a panick to save my baby that was the EverGlide Black Concave for 9.95, I contacted Customer Service immediatly telling them my problem. I was contacted a little later telling me that my problem was taken care of and it will be shipped correctly. Customer Service you get a 10 my friends. They handled that excellently.

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