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Matrox Parhelia Reef Demo – The Best DirectX 8 Benchmark Ever?
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Matrox Parhelia Reef Demo – The Best DirectX 8 Benchmark Ever?(Cont.)
- Submited Thursday, March 13th, 2003 at 6:31 PM By tmmicklabs    
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Now let’s take out the Geforce 4 TI 4400 and put in a ATI Radeon 9700 Pro and see what happens. First let’s run it with 0x Anisotropic Filtering and 0x Anti-Aliasing.

2003-03-13 19:14:54 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 9714 - Time: 125297ms - Avg: 77.527 - Min: 36 - Max: 102

Oh my heck, and yes I did just say that. The Radeon 9700 Pro is a butt kickin’ monster. At 77 frames per second, this is large and in charge. Now let’s crank up the Anisotropic Filtering to 16x and the Anti-Aliasing to 4x and see what happens.

2003-03-14 12:36:32 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 7378 - Time: 120765ms - Avg: 61.093 - Min: 29 - Max: 78

Mamma Mia, 61 frames per second on the Radeon 9700 pro with the details cranked up rocks the house. Looks like the Radeon 9700 Pro takes the cake today.

So there you have it boys and girls. I was not able to test Reef Demo on a Geforce 3 or a Geforce FX due to not having any access to those cards. It would also be interesting to see how the Reef Demo runs on a Matrox Parhelia card. Please feel free to email me your system configs and Reef Demo benchmark scores to tmmicklabs@mwgl.org.

PS. Just to end the article on a good note... Here are some more screens ;) Also, if you want to have a little fun with your own screenshots, hit the TAB key to change camera angles as well as fly the camera yourself using the arrow keys and the mouse.


Peace Out.

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